Products DescriptionScott Creasey - Trident (official PDF)
Trident – The Three-Pronged Attack Mind reading, Prediction and Psychometry, including an additional shorter bonus version called ‘Trident 2.0’. Trident is a tried and tested mentalism/psychic entertainment routine I’ve worked to death for years, using nothing more than three business cards and a pen. In this 31-page manuscript, I teach my favourite close-up three-phase routine which demonstrates mind reading, prediction and Psychometry/Psychological profiling, and includes an additional shorter bonus version called ‘Trident 2.0’. Two variations of the same routine are included, the first for those who prefer the metaphysical or psychic approach to mentalism and the second for those who favour the science in action, or body language/psychology approach.
Each version (and the bonus routine) Includes full descriptions of the props and methods but more importantly the psychology behind each stage.
“Scott is giving you another one of his fantastic routines. Greg Arce ***
“I’ve gone through Trident and I never fail to smile at how much mileage you always can get out of simple ideas. Nique Tan ***
“As a long-time student of your work, I marvel at how your routines continue to become increasingly simplified in props and handling, yet somehow more powerful in effect.
“…take note of the positive aspects this three-phase routine has to offer. You Well done, Scott. I look forward to performing this.” Bill O’Connell *** Customers who bought this product also purchased...