
Problema Dice by Viking Magic (Full Download)

  • Model: download5222691
  • Availability: In stock



Products Description

Viking Magic - Problema Dice

have read many times that Problema (often referred to as Problema Dice) was created by a German inventor, but after spending a few hours tracking down the name I could not find any more details until I consulted German Historian and Author Georg Walter. Georg was rapidly able to track down fuller details with the help of Gorm Sautter who took over the business from Max Haug.  As always I am grateful for Georg's help with the tricky questions.

Problema was invented by the prolific German inventive genius Herbert Martin Paufler c. 1957. He licensed the effect to German magic dealer and shop owner Max Haug who created and distributed the effect world-wide. Haug would create two runs a year and at last count over 2200 units were sold. Of course that does not account for the probably 1000's of knock-offs that have been created and sold over the years. The official versions of the effect (from Haug) started to arrive in the UK and USA c. 1970 and unauthorized copies and "improvements" began shortly after. Prolific author, inventor consultant, and historian Max Maven actually claimed to invent the effect in Genii 73 No. 1 (January 2010, pg. 20) c. 1967.  I don't think Mr. Maven was necessarily claiming he was the originator of Problema, just that he had created a trick using the same method earlier. Regardless, Herbert Martin Paufler would have still been about ten years earlier and young Max would have been about seven years old at the time. And even for Max Maven that is pretty young :-).  Problema is a beautiful, elegant and clever idea and the type of idea that Herbert Martin Paufler excels at.

This has always been one of my favorite effects and now it's available in this deluxe version with Rosewood finished box.

Effect: The performer displays a beautiful Rosewood box which contains six black dice. The dice are arranged in sequence from one to six. The lid is replaced and the spectator is given a die and a shot glass. He is to shake the die within the glass and then to toss the die onto the lid of the box. What ever number comes up with be the chosen number.

The die is dumped onto the lid of the box and a six is rolled. The lid of the box is removed and incredibly all the dice in the box have changed their values to match the rolled number...all the dice now show the six spot side face up!

The dice can be removed from the box by the spectator and everything can be examined. Reset takes but 30 seconds and may be repeated and the results will be different!

Comes complete with Rosewood stained box, dice, black acrylic shot glass and that secret something plus great instructions. Highly recommended; top quality made by Viking/Collectors' Workshop.