Nick Lewin – Stage Flight
“I have been performing a version of Ring Flight since the late ’60s and it is one of strongest effects in my repertoire. For the last 35 years I have been using it in my stage show with outstanding reactions from audiences. I am now sharing every detail of my handling for the very first time. With a little rehearsal time you will be able to impress any size audience with your sleight-of-hand chops!” -Nick-
Close-Up, Stand-Up, Parlor, and Stage: Get Laughs, Gasps, and Applause. Repeat Next Show.
At the heart of my Stage Flight routine is my very special system to anchor the gimmick firmly and SECURELY. It also allows for amazingly fast access when needed. Within 30 minutes you will be looking as though you have performed this handling for a very long time. And, believe me after you have mastered this routine you will be performing it a lot.
I use this exact handling in 95% of my shows and it never fails to destroy an audience. I also have extensively used Stage Flight for television work.
I believe that almost all the best effects can be described in a single sentence. This is one of those routines. Invented by the great Al Koran, I have spent a lot of stage time honing this effect and streamlining the action to a sharp edge. Let me cut down your learning curve by a few decades!
This is One of the Routines that Nick Always Includes in His Show.
Strong sleight-of-hand routine for any sized audience.
An entirely new way of anchoring the gimmick that is safe and secure every time.
A 39 minute tutorial that teaches every tiny detail and nuance and will have you performing the routine quickly and easily.
Performance footage that includes Nick’s seriously funny script! Not an extra move or word it is honed to a fine edge.
Tips and ideas that can be applied to using the routine that are invaluable to any performer.
Learn how to easily adapt your Ring Flight for the routine, or construct one from scratch.
“ONCE AGAIN, the Godfather of Magic has given gold to the faithful! Just finished your Stage Flight tutorial. Just wonderful. And, as in your other tutorials, the gems of wisdom given as afterthoughts are better than most magicians’ best routines. Besides it being a fine routine with great gags, my take-away was the holder system you devised. Your anchoring idea was worth the price of admission.”
– Jeff Hobson