Products DescriptionMagic by Misdirection by Dariel FitzkeeBook Three of the Fitzkee Trilogy: MAGIC BY MISDIRECTION An Extended Explanation of the Magician’s Application of the Psychology of Deception. Possibly the most popular of Fitzkee’s Trilogy, Magic By Misdirection applies the psychology of deception to the art of magic. The finest minds of magic have recognized it as an important and monumental work on the subject. It makes clear the psychological devices and methods you can use to deceive your audience: Disguise Attention Control Simulation Dissimulation Interpretation Maneuver Pretense Ruse Anticipation Diversion Monotony Premature Consummation Confusion Suggestion… and others! Fitzkee supplies practical examples in the form of tricks incorporating and utilizing these principles. “My card on forehead would not be what it has become today if not for Magic by Misdirection.” -Michael Finney Customers who bought this product also purchased...