Gunslinger by Christopher Wiehl

Gunslinger by Christopher Wiehl

  • Model: qfvrb49m5juh
  • Availability: In stock

$4.78  $2.39


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Magic download (video) byChristopher Wiehl

Learn four amazing "shots" to blow away your audiences. In this collection, you will learn four new sleights that allow you to "shoot" a card between two mates, and much more. These are ideal additions to your favorite routines and are great fun to practice.

As well as a handful of applications, you will learn four great shots:

Fan Shot- You fan half the deck in each hand and as you touch the cards together, one card spins forwards. This is a quick and easy shootout which looks great from every angle.

Force Shot- If the Incredibly Hulk did card magic, this is how he would reveal a selection. You hover your hand over the pack and as you clench your fist, a card springs forwards!

Shotgun Shootout- This move allows you to shoot out one, two, or more cards at one time. What's more, the cards stay together which means there is a ton of possibilities for color changes, sandwich, and cards across routines!

.22 Shot- This is a move that all magicians have come up with in some shape or form but Chris offers his tips on shooting a card off the bottom, including how to shoot it between two other cards. This happens so fast, it looks like the card just appears!

On top of the "shots" themselves, Chris also teaches a sandwich routine and a really cool ace production. But the best thing, without a doubt, is Chris' take on the Snap Change. A card appears between two others and then changes in the blink of an eye. Not only does this look fantastic but it also solves many of the angle issues that the original change suffered from!

Every single item in this download is really fun to practice and versatile. We know you'll have a blast coming up with your own variations andperformingwith them.

Running time: approximately 25 minutes

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