
Coinpedia (4 DVD Set) by Yunilsu, Kim, Kyung Wook (DVD Download, ISO File)

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Products Description

Coinpedia (4 DVD Set) by Yunilsu, Kim, Kyung Wook

original DVD download now, ISO file


(?? ???^^;;)


DVD Volume 1.


Part.1 (????? ?? ?? ??? ??)
-????, ?????
-??? & ????; ?
-??? & ????


Part.2 (??,??,???,????)
-?? & ??
-?? ???
-?? ???? & Bonus (???, ????)




DVD Volume 2.


Part 1


One Coin Routine  (? ?? ??)
-Invisible Coin Production (???? ?? ????)
-Retention of Vision Vanish (??? ???)
-R.O.P.S(Retention Open Palm Steal)
-Wiped Clean (??? ??; ????)


Tenkai Pennies  (??? ???)
-Single Click Pass (?? ?? ??)
-Tenkai Pitch (??? ??)
-Double Click Pass (?? ?? ??)
Bonus Session
-Ramsey Subtlety (??? ???)
-Tips & Idea of Click Pass (???? ??,???)
-Kaps/Malini Subtlety (??/??? ???)
-Coin Flurry  (?? ???)
-Wand Subtlety (?? ???)
-Jumbo Coin Changeover (?? ?? ?????)

Part 2
Winged Silver (?? ??)
-Shuttle Pass  (?? ??)
-Classic Palm One Coin from a Group (??? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??)
-Utility Switch (???? ???)
-Open Utility Switch (?? ???? ???)
Shadow Coins(Chink a Chink) (??? ??;?? ? ??)
-Assembly (????)
-Back Fire (? ???)
-Flash Back (??? ?)
Bonus Session (??? ??)
-The Lapping Technique (?? ???)
-Tip & Idea of Shuttle pass (?? ?? ?? & ??)
-Onstage shuttle pass (????? ????)
-Flying Shuttle pass (??? ????)
-Four Coin Across & Tips (? ?? ???? & ?)

Part 3
E.Z Hanging Coins (?? ?? ??)
-Paul Morris's Click Pass (? ??? ?? ??)
-Mike Gallo's Vanishing a Coin from a Group (??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ??)
-Shoot Ogawa's Two Coin Display (? ??? ? ?? ?????)
-Loading a Stack of Coins Silently (?? ?? ??)
E.Z Wild Coin (?? ??? ??)
-Bobo Switch (?? ???)
-David Roth's Spellbound Change Sequence (???? ?? ????? ??? ???)
-One Handed Coin Change (? ?? ?? ???)


Bonus Session
-Pen Flourish (? ????)
-Tips & Idea of Wild coin (??? ?? ?? & ??)
-Clean up after Wild coin (??? ?? ???)
-Tips & Idea Transfer Load (?????? ?? & ??)
-Control Multiple Coins in Classic Palm (??? ??? ?? ? ??? ?)
-Standard Four Coin Production (???? ? ?? ????)
-E.Z Four Coin Production (?? ? ?? ????)
-Third coin production(with misdirection) (?????? ??? ?? ?? ????)



DVD Volume 3.


Part 1 - ????? ? , ??/?? ? (Expanded Shell, Copper/Silver)


Expanded Shell(????? ?)?


Shell Coins Across (? ?? ????)
-Benzais Friction Pass With Expended Shell (?? ??? ???? ??? ??)
-???? ??(David Roth)? ???
-??? ??(Geoff Latta)? ???
-Double Fake (?? ??? ?? ???)
-??? ? ??? ??? ??
-False Count(?? ??? ?? ???)
-??? ? ??? ??? ?? (? ? ??)

-??/?? ??
Spellbound Change (??/??? ??? ????? ???)
-One-Handed Coin Change (? ?? ?? ???)
-?? ??? ??? ?? ??
Copper/Silver Transposition (??/?? ??? ???)
-??/?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?
-Palm Switch (? ???)
-Palm to Palm Switch (? ? ? ???)
-Kw's Double Face Subtlety (??? ? ?? ??? ???)
-Bobo Switch (?? ???)
-Transposition (??? ??? ???? ??? ???)
-??/?? ??? ??? ??? ??
??? ??(Bonus Session)
???? ?? ?? ????(Open Travelers With Coin)
-Purse Palm (?? ?)
-?????? ? ???
-Michael Rubinstein Click Pass (??? ????? ? ?? ??)
Shadow Coins With Expanded Shell (?? ??? ??? ??)
-??? ??? ??? ? ??? 
-Assembly (????)
-?? ? ? ?? ??
-Back Fire (? ???)
-Flash Back (??? ?)
-??? ???? ??? ? ???
Triple Spellbound (??? ?????)
-??? ??? ???? ?? ??
-One Coin Routine (??/?? ???? ?? ? ?? ??)
-??? ??? ???? ?? ??
-Triple Spellbound Change (??? ????? ???)

Part.2 - Okito Coin Box, Boston Coin Box(??? ??, ??? ??)?
Out with Four (?? ?? ?)
-10 O'Clock Position (? ? ?? ???)
-Finger Palm One Coin from a Stack (?? ? ? ?? ?? ? ??)
-The Click Pass with Okito Coin Box (??? ??? ??? ?? ??)
-Out in Out (?? ? ?? - ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??)
-Table Turnover (??? ? ??)
-Steal Coin Stack from Okito Coin Box (?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??)
-False Count (?? ??? ?? ???)
-Final Turnover (??? ? ??)
??? ??(Boston Coin Box)?
Boston Massacre (??? ???)
-Lid Load (?? ??)
-Lid and Box Subtlety (??? ??? ??? ???)
-Bernard Bill Vanish 1 (??? ? ??? 1)
-Bernard Bill Vanish 2 (??? ? ??? 2)
-Bilis Vanish Variation Jean Pierre Vallarino ver (? ??? ?????)
-Three-Coin Click Pass with Boston Coin Box (??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??)
??? ??(Bonus  Session)
-Coin Thru Glass with Okito Coin Box (?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??)
-Paul Daniels ??
-???? ??? ??? ???? ?????
Another Handling of Boston Massacre (??? ??? ??? ???)

-??? ???? ?????


Part.3 - Silver/Copper/Brass Transposition (?? ?? ??? ??? ???)?


Stand-up C.S.B Seqeunce (??? ? C.S.B ???)
-Three-Coin Production (?? ?? ????)
-Three-Coin Across (?? ?? ????)
-Silver to Copper (?? ? ??)
-Silver to Brass (?? ? ???)
-Visual Transposition (??? ??? ???)
-Back to Silver (? ? ??)
-Olram Subtlety Coin Ver (?? ??? ?? ??)
??? ? C.S.B ??? Expanded Shell? ?? ??? ??


Hopping Half Dollar (?? ?? ??)?

Three Copper Opener (?? ?? ???)
-Shoot Ogawa's Coin Production (? ???? ????)
-Two Coin Across (? ?? ????)
-Fingertip D'Shell Production (?? ? ? ? ????)


Bermuda Sands Matrix (??? ?? ????)
-Assembly (????)
-Impossible Backfire (???? ? ???)
Hopping Half with Card Box (?? ?? ?? ????)
-Silver/Copper Transposition (??/?? ??? ???)
-Complete Vanish (???? ???)
-Card Change & Revelation (?? ??? & ?????)






DVD Volume 4.


Part.1 Hard Hanging Coin by ???
-Edge Grip (?? ??) & Curl Palm (? ?)
-Edge Grip (?? ??)
-Curl Palm (? ?)
-Retention Vanish (??? ???)
-Retention Vanish to Edge Grip (??? ????? ?? ????)
-Front Clip (??? ??)
-Edge Grip Display (?? ?? ?????)
-Downs Palm (??? ?)
-Angle Palm a.k.a Mutobe Palm (?? ?=??? ?)
-French Drop (??? ??)
-Ramsey Subtlety (??? ???)
-Harada Hold (??? ??)
-Thumb Grip (? ??)
-Back Thumb Palm (? ? ?)


Part.2 SG FLY by ???
-Friction Palm with Shelled Coin (? ?? ??? ?)
-Shoot Ogawa's Fingertip Subtlety (? ???? ??? ???)
-Finger Palm to Fingertip Rest Position (?? ??? ??? ??? ?????)
-Coin Roll (?? ?)
-Fingertip D-Shell (??? ? ?)
-Middle Finger Deep Back Clip (?? ?? ? ? ??)
-Retention Vanish (??? ???)
-Spider Grip Vanish (???? ?? ???)
-Off-Beat in 3-Fly (??-??? ?? ? ??)
-???? ??? ??
- Coin Production from Middle Finger Deep Back Clip(?? ?? ? ? ???? ?? ?????)


Part.3 Soin by ???
-???'s One Coin Routine Opener (???? ? ?? ?? ???)
-???? ???? ??? ?? ??
-Coin Production from Harada Hold (??? ????? ?? ????)
-Liwag Subtlety (?? ??? ???)
-???'s French Drop Variation (???? ??? ?? ?????)
-J.W Grip (Jimmy Wilson Grip = ?? ?)
-Torres Move (??? ??)
-Tips for Perfect French Drop (??? ??? ??? ?? ?)
-Invisible Coin Production (???? ?? ????)
-???'s Himber Vanish Variation (???? ?? ??? ?????)

Part.4 Four Glass Effect by Rei
-Friction Palm (??? ?)
-Nowhere Palm (??? ?)
-Coin Production from Nowhere Palm (??? ???? ?? ????)
-Heel Clip (? ??)
-Heel Clip Steal 1 (? ?? ?? 1)
-Fingertip Position to Goshman Pinch (??? ????? ??? ???)
-Rei's Coin to Glass Effect (??? ?? ? ??? ???)
-Heel Clip Steal 2 (? ?? ?? 2)


Part.5 Flash Back with a Coin by Mr.Pearl
-Bernard Bilis Vanish 1 (??? ??? ??? 1)
-Twirl Load (?? ??)
-Multiple Classic Palm without Clink (?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ? ??)
-Bernard Bilis Vanish 2 (??? ??? ??? 2)
-Scoop-Displacement Coin Switch (??-???????? ?? ???)
-Kaps Subtlety (?? ???)
-Drop Vanish (?? ???)


Part.6 J.H Bound by ???
Invisible Coin Production (???? ?? ????)
Ramsey Subtlety (??? ???)
Muscle Pass (?? ??)
Spellbound Sequence 1 (????? ??? 1)
Spellbound Change (????? ??? 2)
Retention Pass to Edge Grip (??? ????? ?? ????)
Spellbound Change (????? ??? 1)
Spellbound Sequence 2(????? ??? 2)


Part.7 Uni Opener

George Kaplan's Loading a coin into a sleeve(?? ???? ?? ??)
DR.E.M.Roberts Vanishig a coin into a sleeve(?? E.M.???? ??? ??)
Ramsey Subtlety (??? ???)
Coin from a sleeve (?? ?? ? ???)
Fingertip Shuttle Pass (??? ?? ??)
Heel Clip Steal (? ?? ??) 
Shuttle Pass using Take Vanish(??? ???? ??? ?? ??)
Sleeving during Off-beat (??-??? ??? ???)
Ramsey Subtlety Sequence(?? ??? ???)



?? : ???, ???, ???, ???, Rei, ???, ???

?? : ???

?? : 9?? (DVD 4?) (DVD ????)



*1? 12? ????* Vol.4 ?

 ?????? ??? ???? ??? ????,

 ??? ????? ??? ???????.

(?? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????.)


?????? ???? ???? ?? 1~3 ??? ?? DVD4 ? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? DVD ?????.