Alladin by Dominique Duvivier (Mp4 Video Magic Download)

Alladin by Dominique Duvivier (Mp4 Video Magic Download)

  • Model: download5224401
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Products Description

Alladin - Duvivier

Demo and explanations video download

A cascade of transformations!

But why the hell did you decide to present this trick? The cards no longer obey you. They keep transforming in your hands. You no longer know where to turn and your spectators begin to wonder if the cards you present are not purely and simply diabolical.

Initially, you just wanted to take a trick with four 8s of Clubs. And there, disaster, you make the wrong magic gesture. The 8 of Clubs begin to turn over on their own, one by one, as if by magic.

Then, while trying to catch up, you accidentally change the color of the backs of the four cards. The backs were blue, everyone saw it! They turn red. The panic begins when you notice that all 8's are gone and you're only left with backs! More faces!

Little by little you resurface and, one by one, the faces return magically. Phew, you will finally be able to perform your trick.

It is then that you notice with amazement that all the backs of your cards have just been transformed. They are now all multicolored.

Just like you, your viewers will be totally amazed. You put away your cards saying that sometimes the magic is stronger than the magician!

Strong points:
- You can of course invent your own scenario, the trick lends itself to many situations.
- The cards are in Bicycle quality.
- So many transformations with so few cards, it's simply impossible!
- Dreadful impact on the public.
- Video link with detailed explanations.